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San Luis High

San Luis High School is a high school in San Luis, Arizona, USA. It is part of the YumaDistrict. The school mascot is the sidewinder. Its a small school, over capacity and with a ratio of 95.5% hispanic students. 4.5% ( Teachers).
Its a good school. The best sports on campus are soccer, tennis, and sometimes track&field or wrestling.

Traditions: non that i am aware of.
Famous people from SLHS: None

Me: I feel like visitng san luis high school.
Emi: Why ?
Me: Its the only place I can get a good sleep.

by ronal108 April 9, 2011

San Luis Obispo High

A dark sickening hole of nothing but shit

β€œHey Britannia your vagina kinda reminds me of San Luis Obispo High.”

by wermanator October 10, 2018

san luis obispo high school

A place of horror of which there is no escape. Although commonly compared to the place known as "Hell", SLOHS is in fact much worse. The only good thing is that it's only for 4 years, instead of eternity.

-"What the San Luis Obispo High School is going on here?"

-"Yeah, I'll pay you when San Luis Obispo High School freezes over!"

-"Billy go clean your room. It looks like San Luis Obispo High School"

by Tormented Soul January 8, 2005

114πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

San Luis Obispo High School

The gayest place with the gayest people on earth

Man, San Luis Obispo High School is gay

by chargers721 February 5, 2009

48πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž