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a non offensive word for "dumb". to avoid the use of the word "homo" or "gay"
derived from the word "homosapian"

pronounced= SAY-PEE-IN

"wow bethany just fell on her face! haha she is so SAPIAN

by bannanaGoats July 11, 2009

8👍 29👎


What overly-formal scientists call humans.

"Anthony! Did you know that Homo-Sapians originated in Africa?"

"Dude, just say humans."

by Manwithnomission July 23, 2012

19👍 6👎

Homo-sapian biscuit bitch

A sad Human who's a dry ass bitch

My cat told me (while currently attached to my genitalia) "you are a fucking homo-sapian biscuit bitch!

by Justice_435 January 19, 2019

1👍 3👎