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screen sharing

When you're bored at night and choose to let someone else hack into your computer and look at your porn.

Person 1: "Bruh you wanna do some screen sharing tonight, I'm gonna be bored AF"
Person 2: "That sounds totally rad dude, let's watch some porn together!"

by memeslulz June 10, 2017

2👍 5👎

Screen Share

When you let other people view your computer/phone/ipad screen on zoom or google meet.

When I screen shared the meme in zoom science class, the teacher got very angry.

by Die_In_A_Hole May 28, 2020

9👍 3👎

screen share

The act of seeing someone else's screen and all of their online activities. This can only be done when both users have a Mac. A screen share is usually a bad thing, as you can essentially take over someone's screen and "creep" on them.

"If you don't stop annoying me, I'm about to screen share you."

"Omg I just got screen shared. This sucks."

"Stop trying to screen share me, you creep."

by SyracuseOrangMEN. June 23, 2009

6👍 5👎

Mobile now has screen share

Mobile now has screen share to show there screens YAY

Guys mobile now has screen share time to screen share on my iPad/iPhone or whatever idfk lol

by Shockyboy had a seizure December 21, 2020

You're screen sharing to the TV.


Dude, You're screen sharing to the TV.

by Deez nut_ella jars are nice. December 5, 2021