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Shane Stone

Shane Stone is the biggest wander alive. Shane is a real estate agent who lies about termite and water issues to sell his houses. To identify a Shane Stone they will typically gel up their hair, wear aviators and drive a 90’s to early 2000’s BMW.

Don’t trust Shane Stone

Shane Stone: oh yeh this house is awesome, it backs onto national park and I wouldn’t be surprised if water was flooding out of the spring. I got a damage inspection and there’s absolutely no problem, this area is known for termites but the house is termite free.

House: no water, spring is dried up. 50 - 60 bats living in the walls, backs onto private property. Riddled with termites and has a 3cm layer of bugs covering the ground.

Shane: oh the house wasn’t like that when I was there but it’s too late now you already bought it, but here’s a free plant for your troubles.

Plant: dies due to dehydration.

by Local Street Ranga April 8, 2020