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A type of medical marijuana concentrate.

My condition was flaring up so I took a dab of shatter

by badfish565 September 20, 2013

630πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


A high potency cannabis extract that is pressed into a thin translucent sheet. It shatters like glass hence the name. Also called dabs by some partakers.

Good guy: I made some really dank shatter from last season's crop. Wanna try some?
Lucky guy: You bet!!

by GGG4896 January 13, 2019

66πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Another name for methamphetamines.

I snorted some shatter and stayed up for 3 days.

by pokesmot March 4, 2006

153πŸ‘ 290πŸ‘Ž


to break something into pieces; smash

Chuck accidentally shattered the car’s window when he was playing baseball with his friend Joe.

by forehard bill July 24, 2018

17πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


a completely repulsive person, place, thing, or idea that you cannot stand the idea of. a noun used in a sentence without a verb so shatter is acting as a gerund without the -ing or verb part.

person 1: did you hear X likes you?
person 2: ew hell no X shatter!
person 1: dont be so harsh! its true though

by Darth Vadewhore January 7, 2013

80πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž


Scottish word for "extremly tired"

"i was up chatting to Iain till 3am i'm shattered"

by Cawnar February 18, 2005

275πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


To be as tired as fuck

"I just ran 10k and am fucking shattered"

by Brendan October 10, 2003

217πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž