Source Code

shut your fuck

when you stroke out on your keyboard and type "shut your fuck" instead of "shut the fuck up,"

Person A: You look so stupid in that picture! LOL
Person B: Shut your fuck

by kevinlegnard December 13, 2018

shut your fuck

Angry equivalent to Shut Up and Shut your wordPieholeword. Used mainly in Yahoo! Chat.

Just shut your fuck already! Jesus!

by Dan Devine September 17, 2003

18👍 5👎

Shut your fuck up

Shut my fuck up, shut his fuck up, shut it's fuck up

Just shut your fuck up please
Please shut your fucking fuck up

by FLHoods March 27, 2022

shut your fucking mouth

Boi shut your fucking mouth

Nigga shut your fucking mouth or i'm gonna kick your ass

by countrykindaguy May 1, 2016

14👍 13👎

shut your fucking face uncle fucker

A song from the south park movie.Sung by two Canadian actors.

The song shut your fucking face uncle fucker is my favorite one from south park.

by GEPH January 19, 2016

15👍 2👎