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Skyline Chili

1) A chain of chili joints found in the "Chili Joint Capital of the World," Cincinnati. The chili itself is tasty, but unfortunately resembles what goes in the toilet the day after a long night of drinking Budweiser and eating burritos.

2) Instant and unforgiving laxative, only $5.99 for a huge plate.

1) I just stopped at Skyline, and almost shit myself on the way home.

2) I just stopped at Skyline, and almost shit myself on the way home.

by DoctorThrottle April 29, 2004

72👍 32👎

Skyline Chili

Basically the same as Gold Star Chili, but they're both great on spaghetti or chili dogs, which are then known as "coney dogs." Great for a lazy night at home. Can only be found in Cincinnati.

"Yo dude, you wanna get Skyline Chili?"
"Nah, I prefer LaRosa's"
"Bruh that's cool. LaRosa's is good, too."

by pseudonym69420666 August 19, 2019

1👍 3👎

skyline chili

Simply put, the worst job that any human being can ever take...where you start out making a handful of shit for payment, and smell like fry grease when you go home.

Manager: Yeah we need you to come in and work all day Saturday and Sunday since we lost some guy who just quit...

Me: I hate this place because I smell bad and make no money.

by dfried8 May 14, 2005

21👍 63👎