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snapchat filter

The visual effect on a psychedelic trip where geometric patterns appear on top of your vision kinda like snapchat filters

Woah dude ... I totally have the snapchat filters right now

by Math.us November 28, 2019

Snapchat filters

Used to by whores to let you know they are whores

If you use Snapchat filters, then you are a whore

by WE/HI CLIC March 20, 2018

16👍 4👎

Snapchat no filter

This merely means that when you are talking to a person, trying to get to know them on a deeper level, to try create a relationship with them, it is essential to show your face without a filter allowing the other person to not be dumbfounded and shocked when they see your face.

girl- so why don't you rate me from 1 to 10
boy- bet send through a picture

girl- so what do you think?
boy- snapchat no filter

by R.M.Y October 22, 2020

1👍 1👎

Snapchat no filter

This merely means that when you are talking to a person, trying to get to know them on a deeper level, to try create a relationship with them, it is essential to show your face without a filter allowing the other person to not be dumbfounded and shocked when they see your face.

girl- so why don't you rate me from 1 to 10
boy- bet send through a picture

girl- so what do you think?
boy- snapchat no filter

by R.M.Y October 22, 2020