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Societally Rewarding

You aren't socially rewarding anybody. I think that is not only the single most offensive way of structuring a society but serves no purpose other than to condition people to accept servitude. You know that right? That isn't a thing.

Hym "That sounds like some ignorant conservative shit. You aren't 'Societally Rewarding' people when they exchange their labor or advance or they 'succeed in general'. That's not a social reward. People try to treat it that way. As though success is a societal reward. They do the same thing with sex. But their behavior in no way needs to be concordant with any consistent behavioral ethic. They can find vague, amorphous predictors. And sure, I'm sure the data on the predictors is accurate. But that's not the point. Who has the sucess is irrelevant. That it's FRAMED as a 'Societal reward' is the issue and what's more interesting is what I think is WHY it's framed that way. The success isn't enough. They want to DESERVE it. So... It's societally framed as a reward. So that people are motivated to strive for success. So that what they succeed, they get that release of dopamine and continue to strive. It's a 'Skinner Box.' (In abstraction obviously). A conceptual machine much like my Chaff grenade or my money generator. A lot of things are treated like Societal reward. Association. Sex. Success. A portable skinner box sold to you buy society. You carry it with you everywhere you go and then blame social media while you mash the button. But I've said this all before."

by Hym Iam August 23, 2023