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Solus Sinon

the best anime girl that could be your girlfriend, she's powerful, kind, strong, shy and badass.
She once killed over 5000 people with a single shot of a holy bow and arrow if that's not badass I don't know what is.

person1: wow is that Solus Sinon
person2: bro, i wish she was my girlfriend
person3:that guy is so lucky to have a Solus Sinon

by Solus_Sinon69 January 24, 2021

1👍 5👎

Solus Sinon

the Anime girl I would tell my friends is my girlfriend, she is the greatest part of sword art online season 2 and a part of the war of the underworld, she's kind, cute, strong, and a bit shy but when she faces her fears the shy goes away.
Side fact she once killed 5000 people with a single shot from a holy bow.

person 1: yoo is that a Solus Sinon
person 2: broo shes so cute

by SolusSinon69 January 24, 2021

1👍 5👎