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The best last name in the world. It's Italian.

The Sorrentino family is so kick ass and talented.

by JoelleRose December 22, 2008

49πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


also known as upper body only. never workout legs

person 1: hey he’s a sorrentino!

person 2: yeah really, he never hits legs

by asphalt mcgee November 29, 2017

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Chris Sorrentino

1. Lightweight who can't get it up and likes anal sex.
2. Someone prone to yelling when he is just trying to talk.
3. That bro in your dorm no one likes.

"Sorry, girl, I can't get it up"-Bro Fag
"Wow, you're such a Chris Sorrentino"-Slutty Girl

by TheKimmer September 7, 2010

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

sorrentino bambino

sexual action in which a man or woman eats out another man or woman's anus. while doing this the person recieving the action will fart into the other's mouth. the person doing the action sucks it up in their mouth and swallows

a man using the sorrentino bambino will eat out a farting man's anal hole

by annonymous he October 4, 2007

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A leprechaun sized bottom feeder who will sneak the $4.50 you saved for lunch out of your pocket before you can even place your order. Known to lurk around in the nighttime hours in search of deals

I know that guy he stole my great grandmothers life savings, he’s such a sorrentino

by Fiddityfubity December 18, 2021

signor sorrentino

signor sorrentino is a name that you can use to call a friend,your lover or someone else. You have to use it as a positive thing,so not as a bad word. The word is created by an italian old man that is crazy,but people love him, so you have to do it too!

hey signor sorrentino, do you want to hang out today?
are you okay signor sorrentino?

by sonomaratooona November 23, 2021