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Sorry, But

A condescending and insincere apology offered before telling someone that he/she is wrong, usually instead of explaining why the person disagrees with the other party. Often accompanied by derisive laughter and/or mansplaining .

As a bonus, this makes people angry, allowing the Sorry But guy to claim that he can't listen anymore until they calm down.

Jane: I think Obama's doing a pretty good job, all things considered.
Bobby: (chuckle) Sorry, but you're wrong.
Tom: Dude, cut that out. Everyone thinks it's really annoying.
Bobby: Sorry, but I'm going to keep doing it anyway.

by dognamedcat June 14, 2010

23πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Sorry Not Sorry

1) Typically used to signify that speaker does not care whether their behavior emotionally upsets someone else.

2) The term could also be used to acknowledge that the speaker's behavior could upset someone, but the speaker stands by their behavior.

1) *Slaps book out of someone's hands* "Oh, you were reading that? Sorry Not Sorry."

2) In a cooking competition "I saw her drop her dish on the floor. I could have helped her, but I'm running out of time. Sorry Not Sorry."

by VinM7 December 25, 2016

470πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Sorry Not Sorry

A stupid saying that stupid ass young girls say to make them sound bitchy but they really arent.

haha YOur Ugly... Sorry Not Sorry.

by Special KLove February 9, 2012

1227πŸ‘ 798πŸ‘Ž

Sorry Not Sorry

A new breakthrough single by Demi Lovato, it is used to represent the fact that a person doesn't emotionally care on whether a behavior upsets someone or not.

Baby I'm sorry not Sorry!

by MindsEyeTHPS August 21, 2017

57πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

Sorry Not Sorry

Another limp dick passive aggressive move done by some who are trying way too hard to seem cool, smart, sarcastic and/or funny. Key term, trying way too hard..... Usually the attempt is an utter and complete failure and perceived for what it truly is, yet another desperate stab at attention.

I saw some dope put up one of those sorry not sorry posts about some hot button issue on Facebook. I guess the "desperately needs some kind of attention" app wasn't working at the time.

sorry not sorry needy shut up passive aggressive dumb unfunny

by Furiosa the Accursed June 11, 2016

153πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž

Sorry not sorry

It means that you’re sorry because your not sorry

ex:”Khailia is a bitch, sorry not sorry”

by Kayla πŸ™‚ July 5, 2018

45πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

No, Sorry

When you say you don't have anything to begin with. Or when you are unable to help out even if you were to try your very hardest.

Person 1: Do you sell drugs?

Person 2: No, Sorry.

Person 1: *comprehends person 2 never sold drugs to begin with*

Person 1: So you are also saying that you never sold drugs to begin with? Correct?

Person 2: Yes, that's what I meant by No Sorry. Plus I can't help even if I really wanted to.

by STFU UR THE REASON WE SNITCH. November 27, 2021