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South China Morning Post

A shitty biased pro-Chinese government newspaper that got banned in its own country.

A newspaper company that makes false claims and sucks Xi Jinping's dick just so they won't be banned. They're supposed to be "the most credible newspaper in all of Hong Kong" but nobody likes them. There has never been a newspaper company so biased, ever.

South China Morning Post: Durrrrrrr America Bad, Russia Bad, Hong Kong Bad, Tibet Bad, Taiwan Bad, Japan Bad, South Korea Bad, Vietnam Bad, India Bad, (etc.)

Anyone with a brain: Shut the fuck up

by Jagohno October 21, 2020

33πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

south china sea

A place where America thinks it can win

(They thought the same for the Vietnam War)

Gonna screw this South China Sea up


by Mr. Political December 6, 2016

2πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

south china

Paper width eyed people who sit down and crack a cold one with dog on there plate

β€œHey Hiroshima can you pass me that crispy foreskin from that Great Dane because South China is so great”

by Gekume June 18, 2019