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Spencer Hosking

A massive beta faggot. He makes up lies to get his points across. Do not engage with this cuck

You can find this Spencer Hosking girl on 4chan posting as Anonymous

by ChadHunter3925 September 12, 2019

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Spencer Hosking

The straight equivalent to Milo Yiannopoulos or Charlie Kirk - all are cuckservatives/neoliberals

Spencer Hosking is an American cuckservative with liberal Aussie views.

by Mayo Duster September 12, 2019

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Spencer Hosking

This sorry ass Aussie-Vegas white dude is NOT a conservative or right-wing like everyone thinks. For example, he declares he is pro choice, he admitted to flipping off cops on Instagram, mocks MAGA/Trump supporters by mixing it with a "White Lives Matter" tee and calling Trump a "white nationalist nigga" while siding with Louis Farrakhan and Paul Ryan.

Spencer Hosking is a leftist clown

by Mayo Duster September 12, 2019

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