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Spirit Walk

What a young woman embarks on when she breaks up with her significant other in order to "find herself." Most commonly occurs in young women ages 24-26, inclusive to most Western cultures.

me: So where's Ashley, I haven't seen her around lately?

Buddy/Ashley's ex-bf: Oh, yea...she randomly decided that she wanted to quit her job, break up with me, and wander around Europe for a few months to find herself after her 25th birthday.

me: Hooray for spirit walks.

by Middle Child September 14, 2010

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Spirit Walk

When you are too broke to buy more weed and are freaking out because your body is rebalancing the psychedellics and you begin to walk aimlessly to make yourself feel better.

I would have murdered the bitch but I went on a spirit walk and found enlightenment.

by Doc Poz November 27, 2018

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Spirit Walk

A spirit walk is when you get so high/drunk that you have an out of body experience.

John - "dude I went on a spirit walk last night"
Charles - "that's awesome dude

by Canibisman November 26, 2016

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Spirit Walk

When someone gets the bright idea to leave the group/ function without saying anything, to go off on a side quest wondering through the streets/ nature with no plan in mind just walking until eventually you make your way back.

β€œWhere did Blaze go?” β€œIdk probably off on a spirit walk I haven’t seen him in a while.”

by First name Debby last Downer November 4, 2023