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Spring Fling

1. A casual relationship between two persons who are usually attracted to one another. This can involve puppy love, sex, or perhaps just “hooking up.” The common “spring fling” can refer to a fling that takes place during the named season (Spring is when many animals mate).

2. Spring Fling can also refer to a colligate dance held at a few American universities (i.e. Tufts University and the University of Pennsylvania).

1. “Did you hook up with anyone during your trip to Mexico, Sandy?”
“Sort of. I met this really sweet guy and we spent a lot of time together.”
“Sounds serious… are you guys going to get married?”
“Quit teasing, Barbara, it was just a little spring fling.”

2. “Are you going to the Spring Fling at Penn this year, Carl?”
“Nah. It’s just a bunch of bros giving out free hotdogs.”

by Dr. Beta April 10, 2008

81👍 34👎

Spring Flinging in the Squiting Sprayer

This is when you have a big party or celebration revolving around your squiting sprayer (AKA WAP)

Madelyn: im having a spring flinging in the squiting sprayer tonight if anyone wants to “come”😏😏

by Wetspaghetti June 9, 2021

3👍 1👎

spring and fling

When a cock goes in the vaginal area.

Kyle: "hey baby, you wanna spring and fling?"

by anonymous6347455758 July 23, 2006

4👍 14👎


Another way to say horny or horny-ness. Sometimes used as another word for PDA

"I'm so spring-fling for her, dude." Or "Hide your spring-fling, man."

"Chill out with the spring-fling lovebirds."

by Artep Urasa June 3, 2019