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Squirrel Meat

The roll of excess skin created when one wears an article of clothing which is too snug. The most common offenses being jeans and tube tops. In common urban vernacular this phenomenon is also known as the muffin top. This term was coined deep in the jungles of Maui at an undisclosed location.

"I really like these jeans but they give me too much squirrel meat."

by Pooch to the third February 18, 2010

7👍 3👎

squirrel meat

a small 11th grade scrawny kid from south Carrol who shits in random bathrooms and doest get caught. chances are he wont get caught be he continues to shit at random.

hey squirrel meat did you just pull a poop bandit in Mr. Davis's room?

by edger ruiz May 12, 2011

8👍 4👎

Squishy squirrel meat

A prolapsed vagina that has been used up and enlarged. Instead of being able to hold nuts like a squirrel's mouth, it is now just a soft tube of meat hanging.

After Steve wrecked Brenda, she was left with squishy squirrel meat.

by Jddan_22 May 23, 2018