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Stanford University

School with all the prestige of an Ivy, yet with the California climate, girls, and open-mindedness.

Stanford. Best in Athletics AND Academics.

by Hmmm July 4, 2004

654๐Ÿ‘ 440๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stanford University

A school in Palo Alto, CA that is generally considered one of the top 5 academic institutions and the premier sports school in America. The girls are extremely beat and the party scene is deader than Leland Stanford Jr., but still.

Joe had a 1600 SAT score, a perfect 4.0 GPA, was class president, state champion in 3 sports, and started an non-profit orphanage in Ethiopia. Harvard, Yale, MIT, and Princeton were drooling over that motherfucker. Stanford rejected him flat-out.

9 out of 10 girls in California is hot. The 10th one goes to Stanford, or UC-Berkeley.

by Nick D September 29, 2003

436๐Ÿ‘ 336๐Ÿ‘Ž

stanford university

One of the best universities in the US. Incredibly open-minded and decidedly saturated with that wonderful California liberalism. The girls are better than people say, and the guys are either really hott or ugly like woah. We also party pretty hard here... trust me :). Athletics and academics are premier. Pretty much the best place on the earth.

so Stanford... yea awesome

by sexymexi June 24, 2005

343๐Ÿ‘ 324๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stanford University

a failed version of berkeley with their heads so far up their ass they can't see that

stanford sucks, hard

by Oaktownballa February 8, 2005

437๐Ÿ‘ 524๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stanford University

Commonly called "The Farm."

Stanford > insert your fav university

...except of course in the subject of hot girls...CAN'T ARGUE THAT ONE.

Stanford pwns. Learn about it.

by vlin April 30, 2005

185๐Ÿ‘ 212๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stanford University

An evil bastion of California conservatism. Condoleezza Rice used to teach Political Science there.

Their art museum is quite nice though.

"It took me FOREVER to find parking at Stanford University!"

by Tzeentch February 16, 2005

214๐Ÿ‘ 280๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stanford University

A prestigious private university where the asshole students can't decide whether they are better than everyone else because they're rich (which they are) or because they're smart (which they aren't). The parties suck and the girls are mediocre. The only bright side is that there are fewer hippies than at Berkeley.

Don't go to Stanford unless you hate having fun.

by Rob March 9, 2005

212๐Ÿ‘ 314๐Ÿ‘Ž