Source Code

State police

A dick who just wants to give out tickets to compensate for his small weener.

That dick state police officer me a ticket for driving the speed limit because his wee wee is small.

by Fill magroin June 13, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Virginia State Police

A bunch of ass holes who cant do there job, they go too overboard with everything and never give you a break. They have also been notorious for breaking uo partys, but if theyre Northern Virginia parties, they tend to party WITH them.

"dude, i just got pulled over todya by a va. cop"
"oh man, what happened?"
"i got a FAT ticket, then invited him to my party later tonite."

by #1FAN March 24, 2005

59๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Virginia State Police

Those rockin' dudes you see in dem pimped out crown vics wifh dem bigass VHF antennas in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Frequencies Used By the Virginia State Police (not listing repeater input frequencies).:

039.5400 Statewide Intersystem
042.8600 Base Stations Point to Point
154.6650 Mobile to Mobile
154.6800 Special Protection unit
154.6950 Mobile to Mobile
158.9850 Base to Mobile
159.0000 Base to Mobile
159.1350 Base to Mobile
159.1650 Base to Mobile
453.3500 Mobile Extenders
458.3500 Mobile Extenders

Kshhhht, Fairfax, this is car 596, we got a 10-50 on the interstate.

by IrishRepublicanArmy January 7, 2004

20๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hey stop! State police!

What i heard while fleeing from the police at 1 am with my brother and our friend.

"Hey stop! State police!" Nah man I think I'll pass and keep going.

by Buddy Bestie September 6, 2023

police state

A country where the police watch what you do and try to control your life. Where there's cameras in town centres and on public transport. Where you can be arrested because of something you said to a friend about the leaders of your country. Where police stop and search people for no reason. Where you can be detained without charge or trial. Where the state plants bugs with impunity. Where protesters have to get police permits, and where police regularly attack protesters.

Hang on. That sounds like America and Britain today!

Smash all police states! Down with Patriot Act, ASBOs, CCTV, ID cards, biometrics, no fly lists, Terrorism Act, Gitmo, Belmarsh, Public Order Act, and Nazi bastard politicians and pigs!

by Andy August 6, 2004

403๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

police state

What America is becoming, thanks to the US PATRIOT act, whos name is pretty ironic.

- Authoritarian Republican

by Potato Reborn March 5, 2004

135๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Police State

America, post 9/11 and hence a definitive hypocrisy

'Police state? Amrica, after the Patriot Act, which was written BEFORE 9/11 and which was always intended to be the 1984 bill

by evelyn waughfare November 27, 2003

271๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž