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Stay Gold

Being true to yourself, innocent, uncorrupted, unblemished etc.

Not conforming to what society dictates, but in a sense marching to the beat of your own drummer


Johnny: "Your gold when your a kid. When your a kid, everythings new. Like dawn, the way you dig sunsets, Ponyboy, that's gold. Keep it that way, its a good way to be."

-Liz stay gold :)

by .PiCe.NuSSy. January 19, 2009

1074๐Ÿ‘ 212๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stay Gold

The last words of Johnny cade. It means for you to not lose your innocents. To stay pure in a way.

Stay gold Ponyboy Stay Gold.

by Linda ;) February 26, 2019

27๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stay Gold

This is derived from the poem, "Nothing gold can stay." by Robert Frost. Often used about staying true to yourself and holding onto the innocence of youth.

Also a clothing brand, Stay Gold Clothing make some pretty rad tees.

Example 1: Stay Gold, Ponyboy

Example 2: You heard of Stay Gold? I just bought a tee off there man!

by BigName July 2, 2010

120๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stay Gold

Be true, young, and pure.

Used in Robert Frost's poem, "Nothing gold can stay." as well as the book/movie, Outsiders when Johnny Cade tells Ponyboy to "Stay Gold"

This is also the title of BTS's Japanese single, Stay Gold.

In a world where you feel cold
You gotta stay gold

by BrachiosaurusVibes November 3, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stay Gold

A skateboarding Video by the shoe company Emerica. It was released September 1st 2010. It features Brandon Westgate, Kevin long, Jerry Hsu, Andrew Reynolds, and More. It has a few easter eggs. The easter eggs include heath kirchart's last video part ever and a barrier kult section. Barrier Kult is a group of skaters that only skate jersey barriers.

"Heath Kirchart had a gnarly part in Stay Gold".

by Mr.Muffinman November 24, 2010

80๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stay Gold

The epitome of gay

like a replacement for "no homo", if someone does something gay, you say, "stay gold" and chuckle...

by Chillllinnn December 8, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 359๐Ÿ‘Ž

stay gold

stay young and notice the world

Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.

by dallyz_girl26 March 6, 2004

1110๐Ÿ‘ 265๐Ÿ‘Ž