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Funniest man alive.

Star of Jackass, Jackass: The Movie, The Steve-O Tour Video, and currently, WildBoyz with pal Chris Pontius.

His next major work will be TV: The Movie, which will also feature many of his Jackass buddies.

Steve-O: Yeah, dude!

by cascatchewan August 18, 2005

662๐Ÿ‘ 217๐Ÿ‘Ž


the coolest guy on earth. has lots of tattoo's, lives in the moment, and when he dies, he wants to die doing what he does best. he pukes alot, he screams alot. hes into alcohol and drugs. he may also be the funniest. makes me laugh everytime i see him. he's a cool dude. and he says fuck alot.

"i'm sick of this pooping stuff! i'm gonna get my buttcheeks pierced together! -Steve-O

"who cares what people say ... i'm the fuckin' man dude!" -Steve-O

by you'llneverknowHE23 August 23, 2009

84๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


GOD. One should be so lucky as to have the opportunity to bask in his farts. Ones mission in life is to follow in the footsteps of thy lord Steve-o. His journeys can be seen on MTV or DVD. He performs many miracles and due to this, he is often mistaken as jesus.

"The Steve-o Prayer"
Steve-o who art in jackass
hallowed be thy ass
theself will cum
it will be on Dunn
on friday nights
as saturdays
give us this day
our daily laughs
and lead us not into dirty sanchez
but deliver us from complete crap
(lord-o hear our prayer)

"Dude, i jumped out my window naked with white feathers glued to me."
"Cause it's what Steve-o would have done"

by daddykool December 21, 2006

285๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž


steve-o is the star of the show wilboys along with chris pontius. he's also on the show jackass where they do crazy outrageous things to each other, he also pukes more than anyone i've ever seen.

steve-o is a non stop puker

by HERself666 June 11, 2005

115๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


A charming and convivial man, roguishly handsome and very successful with the ladies. Sometimes referred to as "Anaconda" due to "de hefty langer" on him and yet his impressive dimensions are out-done by his Olympian prowess in the boudoir.

That chap who all the women want and all the men want to be is a proper Steve-O

by Ule Neverwalk Alone February 1, 2007

49๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

steve o

Once an unknown clown, today one of the most envied celebreties in the world. When acting with Chris Pontius, makes Beavis and Butthead look like a ripoff. Can stand any level of pain or humiliation and wants to be a rock star and remembered forever. Vomits a lot and has a small weenie and many weird tatoos. Although he loves to play with feces, everybody loves him (including me). Has the most style of all off the Jackass crew. Because of his love for animals, he was the man for the hilarious Wildboyz show

"Hi, Iยดm Steve O and this is the fart mask"

by norml October 19, 2007

166๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž


An awesome, all around sexual, extravagent guy who plays the blues on his harmonica down by the bay, and gets all the chicks

i liek to steve-o

you like to steve-o

she likes to steve-o

im gunna make you black, steve-o

by Jamaican Snow August 26, 2006

62๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž