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stupid bastard

Current president of the united states,

Oh please..... just watch him....

by Alex Kryl December 22, 2003

48👍 43👎

stupid bastard

That guy Donald Trump.

Donlad Trump, our president-elect is a Stupid Bastard

by stupid bastard 2 November 30, 2016

16👍 13👎

stupid bastard

See the future in the palm of my hand.

Poker with the Joker and some Uno Cards.

The Bloodhound Gang are a bunch of stupid bastard( S ).

by larstait November 3, 2003

19👍 26👎

stupid bastard guy man

First you have your typical bastard guy man, then you have the ones who aren't as sharp: I present to you, stupid bastard guy mans.

Shut that mouth you stupid bastard guy man!

by anonymous May 27, 2004

19👍 20👎

stupid ugly bastard faced fascist

A term used to insult someone when a simple one word insult such as bastard or twat will not suffice. The combination of words gives the user the ultimate verbal tool against any foe which rolls off the tongue and is enjoyable to utter at someone who has wronged you.

What did you do that for? You stupid ugly bastard faced fascist!

by Lt. Jhonty Rhodes Pegasus III May 8, 2006

26👍 27👎


Can be heard when the local tramp bangs his leg.

Stupid fucking retard bastard ass fucker cunt dickhead! I banged my leg.

by Yo Momma October 11, 2004

137👍 33👎

stupid fucking retard bastard ass fucker cunt dick

when you nut in her ass

you stupid fucking retard bastard ass fucker cunt dick

by Womanbeater455 August 10, 2017

6👍 7👎