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Suicidal Tendencies

A great punk/ thrash metal band.

Suicidal Tendencies first album kicks ass.

by Yo Momma December 8, 2004

438👍 87👎

Suicidal Tendencies

A band so cool that they used to make a sport out of kicking Rikki Rachtman's gay ass!

Suicidal Tendencies was fucking awesome.Too bad todays' music is all gay ass poser shitmetal and emo-pussy crap.

by fuck Satan in the ass July 4, 2006

272👍 58👎

Suicidal Tendencies

A not-so-good emo-thrash band who were probably molested as children

Has a song on guitar hero 2, much to the horror of all real music fans.

Steve: wow this band 'Suicidal Tendencies' is aptly named, they make me want to jump off a cliff.

by James52 April 25, 2008

42👍 520👎

actual suicidal tendencies

not the band

I have actual suicidal tendencies.

by sqreemwithme January 10, 2018

17👍 2👎