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sweet as a nut

When something really good happens and you have suceeded.

"Ahh mate, I manage to hit a tonne in my car!"
"Sweet as a nut mate, sweet as a nut!"

by Wilburg March 24, 2004

145👍 37👎

sweet as a nut

THE definitive Newcastle expression of joy.

Here radgy is that tac alreet?

Aye, its as sweet as a nut wor kid.

by Elswick Charver April 21, 2006

36👍 65👎

Caucasian Sweet Nuts

A mans testicles

Karen: I want to try something different for a snack tonight

Kevin: have you ever tried Caucasian Sweet Nuts

by Caucasian sweet nuts April 8, 2021

4👍 3👎