Source Code


abbreviation of "True to Size"; commonly used when talking about the fit of a pair of shoes

I would definitely suggest getting your usual size, as these boots fit TTS.

by sweetascandie December 4, 2010

239๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


Text to Speech, that comes from the abbreviated form TTS.
Text to Speech is used to artificially produce human speech through computerized means.

Text to speech converts written language in to speech.

- Examples of TTS is found through online media and applications, such media might be e-mail clients, online dictionaries such as google translate and add-ons/plugins as found in web browsers.
- It can also be found in live streaming, where one might donate money to a live streamer and type a text which in turn a computerized voice reads the text real time on stream. One such application is Streamlabs.
- Smartphones
- eBooks
- Operating Systems
- Speech Synthesis Chips
- Sound Reproduction software such as Adobe Voco and WaveNet which, the latter uses deep neural network to artificially simulate voices

by deathilic March 3, 2018

52๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tiny Text Syndrome, A condition suffered by several video games of the HD generation. When the text size is decreased (for aesthetics or) to be less obstructive on HD screens, but leaves non HD screens unable to display in-game text clearly.

Oh no! This game has TTS! I cant read anything on the screen!

by danno84a February 11, 2010

66๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


TTS meaning "take that shit"

Guy1= dude i just fell and it hurts so bad.
Guy2= tts, stop acting like a baby.

by Dunwoody High March 16, 2008

29๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


Temporary Thot Syndrome occurs when a bitch gets so fed up with her dude and so gassed up by temporary fans that she forgets the life her man is holding down for her and the shit she has with him. In result she flocks to these temporary fans and entertains said fans. This can last for a long ass time and result in a break up if you don't reclaim your bitch. THIS CAN ALSO BE THE CASE WITH DUDES

Fredo: C'mon Dre you can't keep having these sad ninja hours over Celeste she's got another dude, she's gone.

Dre: No she's not! I did everything right man, I fucking.. I fucking love her with every piece of me a-and I know she's just going through a phase and o-once this TTS is gone.. She'll be mine again, I might've clapped her best friend but I always came back to her!

Fredo: Sooo you're gonna re-wife a thot? Bro she let the whole team smash already..I feel like now is a good time to tell you this. Clapping them cheeks is an understatement. Dome game was straight brazy, a wife don't give dome like that.

Dre: *Silence*

Fredo: Welp my UBER is outside I gotta bounce, big ups my dude go get you a bitch from show and tell.

by Kvng.Drexx August 24, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Thinking The Same. Used when you are thinking the same thing the other person is. Usually your bff.

Girl 1: OMG!! No she didn't! I can't believe she's using that dress...
Girl 2: ....with those shoes!! so tacky!
Girl 1: TTS!! you totally get me gurl!
Girl 3: of course!! bff

by vale_cortes June 27, 2014

11๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronym for 'That's the Shit'; commonly used when people get high on a joint and feel the need to express their satisfaction of the weed. Can also be used when you strongly agree to a statement.

Guy 1: This joint is sick
Guy 2: TTS

Guy 1: I think we all need to get drunk tonight.
Everyone: TTS!

by MalaysianRockers April 14, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž