Source Code

Take A Walk

A stubborn way of telling someone to fuck off

Stranger: Nice parenting

Dad: Hey, thanks. Are you my therapist? Take a walk!

by KnightofNerdom May 3, 2018

Take A Walk

Another way of telling someone to go away

Man: Nice parenting.

Adam: Hey, thanks. Are you my therapist? Take a walk!

by KnightofNerdom May 23, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

take a walk

to conduct a sensitive discussion while striding up and down the block to avoid being overheard on those pesky eavesdropping devices.

Ever since the cops came and shook down Sammy Blue Eyes, I take a walk to discuss important business.

by Pete Dick February 17, 2008

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Take a Walk

A term used for going out to go for a smoke the Devil's Lettuce

Aye bro come down ok the 13th for the taquero so we can Take a Walk before we eat

by Sandegg September 20, 2018

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take a walk

1. code name for masturbation

hey guys be right back i gotta go take a walk.

by applejackcherry January 25, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

take a walk

1. masturbating

hey mufasa, wanna go take a walk with me?

by applejackcherry January 25, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Take a walk

An old tymey code-phrase that one states before leaving to expel digestive gas. In other words, an excuse to tell your friends when you need to go find somewhere to fart.

Ms. Cromwell's three bean casserole was absolutely delicious, but the moment i felt a spell of flatulence coming on, I told her I was going to take a walk so as not to offend her delicate senses.

by Timstuff August 4, 2009

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