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tasters choice

the very last hit it in a weed smoking device, which in turn results in the terrible taste the smoke imparts in your mouth.

Guy 1: Hey man are you sure you wanna hit this, tasters choice?

Guy 2: Sure why not.

by chonger123 May 25, 2009

19👍 25👎

taster's choice

having a grand ole time while smoking the good stuff... really really really good weed

Blake and I were having a taster's choice moment.

by LaFawn-duh May 4, 2005

7👍 12👎

taster's choice

When you jerk off into a Taster's Choice coffee jar and pour it into someone's cereal and they eat it without knowing.

Tony wanted to Taster's Choice Jeremiah for a long time but never got around to it.

by David See December 27, 2005

5👍 15👎

taster's choice

personal politics of sex and the sex act

john liked a creme horn more than pie, this was his taster's choice!

sidney's taster's choice steered her to hard bodies

rulanthra taster's choice required a gay fat person for sex.

by michael foolsley January 13, 2010

1👍 5👎