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Thar She Blows

When you receive fellatio from a woman and deem it necessary to note such an occurrence

β€œY’ar, thar she blows!” - A lucky pirate receiving a surprise act of blowjobbery

by Psycho_Duck13 October 19, 2020

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Thar She Blows

"Thar She Blows" is what you say when you see a troater approaching you. This is said because troaters blow a lot. This is often confused with the phrase made popular by Melville's Moby Dick, but after close inspection, certain hints are made that Moby Dick is, in fact, a troater.

"Thar She Blows!" Wow. That girl is such a troater!

by Wonderbread90402 March 28, 2011

38πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

thar she blows

1. a statement that something is approaching
2. an exclamation that something was rather funky really

1. m - wheres issie?
e - i dunno
m - omg thar she blows

2. omgosh do you remember that night? that was so thar she blows

by this is my normal walking speed May 26, 2005

37πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

Thar’ She Blows

An exclamation raised when a woman (or man) wearing a visible thong (whale tail) passes across you or your friend’s bow.

Ale: Thar’ she blows!

Carson: All hands on deck.

by Mobydicholas October 12, 2022

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž