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The Beaver

1. Canada's periodical historical rag.

2. The former name of 90 year old (now) "Canada's History" magazine. --- The stated reasons are that the name has become so associated with the sexual euphemism that online material by the magazine using its name in the header is being blocked by spam filters.

3. Another term for the sexual act known as "Canada's History".

4. A magazine that began in the 1920's that should have kept it's original name, "The Beaver, A Journal of Progress".

5. The act of AVOIDING search function by changing your business's name from something with lots of search traffic TO something that will rarely get searched outside the Colbert Nation and Canada's youth while working on school projects and papers.

6. Another reason to blame Canada.

Have you looked at "The Beaver" lately?

"The Beaver" changed it's name to "Canada's History"?! That's lame!! Colbert didn't rename his van service that picks up stray cats, Pussy Patrol! ... It's Pussy Patrol(dot)Org by the way! That's very important, it's non-profit.

by InsanitySektor February 6, 2010

49๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Beaver

A person who has teeth that resemble a beaver, known to be a complete douche bag and poser who pretends everyone likes them, when in reality, everybody thinks he is an annoying fag. Also, they are homosexual and can also be called a wood eater.

The beaver is such a loser; all his "friends" hate him.

by IAMMYTHIC18 January 10, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beaver Beaver

An improved variation of Slap Bag, originating in Laramie, Wyoming. This game involves one party-goer pulling out a bag of wine, chugging from said bag, then enthusiastically yelling, "BEAVER! BEAVER!" Another party-goer is then obligated to shout out, "Wine Receiver!!!" Once this 'receiver' call is made, the original party-goer must toss, throw, or chuck the aforementioned bag of wine toward the receiver. The receiver will then catch and chug from the bag, shout out "BEAVER BEAVER," and repeat the action in perpetuity until the bag has been fully drained of its contents.

Party Goer 1: <pulls out bag of Franzia Sunset Blush and chugs a reasonable amount of wine>
Party Goer 1: "Beaver Beaver!"
Party Goer 2: "WINE RECEIVER!!!"
Party Goer 1: <chucks the bag of wine in a reckless fashion, barely reaching the vicinity of Party Goer 2>
Party Goer 2: <makes a magnificent one-handed snag after tip-toeing through a gasoline-infused bonfire and reaching between the chairs of two other innocent party-goers>
All Other Party Goers: "Wooooooo!!!!" (while clapping and cheering for Party Goer 2)
Party Goer 2: <chugs a slightly more healthy amount of wine from the bag than Party Goer 1>
Party Goer 2: "Beaver Beaver!"
Overly-Drunken Party Goer 3: "Wine receiver, BITCHES!!!"
Party Goer 2: <lightly tosses a perfectly catchable bag toward Party Goer 3>
Party Goer 3: <reaches for the bag, stumbles, barely touches the bag, and falls face-first into the lush (i.e., dry and yellow) Laramie grass>
<the wine bag falls innocently to the ground>
All Other Party Goers: "Oooooo..." (while snickering and shaking heads in a sign of immense social shame)
Party Goer 3: <gets up, picks of the bag, chugs, and the game continues>

by GrownUpAssMan April 27, 2023


To work diligently or to be extremely focused on the job or at a task/activity. An active extension of the term โ€œbusy as a beaver"

Greg complimented his staff for beavering on the report and having it finished by the deadline

by madtrapper January 7, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


another word for vagina or pussy

That bitch got a hairy beaver.

by will beaver March 23, 2003

7487๐Ÿ‘ 2219๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be blessed with the presence of Justin Beaver. Although he is commonly mistaken by the teen sensation "Justin Bieber" he will tell you right away that he is not this person.

You've officially been beaverized.

What does that mean??

To be blessed with my presence. Take it like a man/woman absorb the greatness.

by JustinBeaver May 29, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A large furry rodent with a flat tail that chops down trees and builds dams.

2. Slang for a vagina.

3. A term for a person who goes/has gone to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where the beaver is the school mascot.

1. "We went on a nature walk, and saw a beaver swimming around the big lodge it had made."

2. "That chick I banged last night has a sweet beaver!"

3. "The Beavers put another car on top of the dome this morning..."

by luna May 6, 2005

3040๐Ÿ‘ 1050๐Ÿ‘Ž