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The Bloodhound

A person who creeps on women at bars and clubs. Won't leave the poor girls alone until he picks up

Jarryd " There goes The Bloodhound again"
Richard " Those poor girls don't stand a chance"

by Big Puppa Bozie November 24, 2015

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that doesn't mind or likes when a female is on her period.

He railed that chick on her period. That dude is a Bloodhound.

by dis1sikwidit July 16, 2009

135๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who has a knack for finding lost items.

"Thanks for finding my keys" your such a bloodhound.

by eileen72 July 16, 2009

54๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A now-underrated character from Apex Legends. since the arrival of Crypto has made Bloodhound somewhat obsolete, but is still very useful and isn't left vulnerable when using his tactical. His passive ability is that he can see tracks that other enemies have made and point them out. His tactical ability is Eye of The All-Father, which shows nearby enemies positions even through walls and is the bane of Bangalore's smoke. His Ultimate ability is Beast of the hunt, which allows him to see tracks that have been around for longer than a minute, physically see enemies footprints and be faster, matching Octanes and possibly even the shadows speed.

People who I play with on Apex: Fuck Bloodhound, Crypto is the new hotness.
Me: ya say that to the Bangalores in this match.
later in the match
Bangalore (Enemy): Poppin' Smoke!
My top tier Bloodhound: ALL FATHER GIVE ME SIGHT!!!
Everyone on the enemies squad: Shit

by Dededestructive October 16, 2019

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sadist who is being led and instructed by another sadist.

Did you know, John has become a bloodhound for that crazy sadist woman he met during the last BDSM party?

by Logos778 December 8, 2021


A group of brothers or close relatives who love each other wholeheartedly and will do anything for each other

Female : Who you with?
Me: Iโ€™m with my bloodhounds

Female: What are bloodhounds ?
Me : Im with my cousins

by Certified Member November 23, 2022


When a man's nutsack hangs lower than the tip of his dick. Usually caused from hot/sweaty environments.

Associated symptoms include:
Package sticking to side of leg
Satchel flopping around when running or performing aerobic exercise

Great for:
Tea Bagging

After working out I had a massive bloodhound.

It was so hot the other day I was bloodhounding like never before.

I took a dump and whilst sitting on the shitter I let me bloodhound hang freely.

I dipped my bloodhound in cinnamon and tea bagged jason's mom. She loved it.

by bk24 May 2, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž