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The Camel punch

When your fat sister's boyfriend eats her pussy and right as she is about to climax she grabs her fupa and beats him in the head with her front butt

come eat me out and I will give you a the camel punch

by Misspunx December 24, 2017

3👍 1👎

Camel Punch

An act performed during anal sex. Not to be confused with a 'donkey punch', which is its more civilsed cousin. Whilst relatives, they digress on an important point: whilst an experienced 'donkey punch' practionner will simply hit his girlfriend/boyfriend/sister in the back of the head, before continuing the anal as per usual (albeit with a heightened sense of pleasure), a 'camal punch' involves the continued kicking of the partner in the head after the initial strike, until the partner is, in fact, dead.

Commonly practiced by stella drinkers, Millwall supporters, and members of the Royal Family.

Cell-mate 1: what are you in for?
Practionner: Camel punch
Cell-mate 1: cool

by BenRG17 May 24, 2009

39👍 19👎

Camel Punch

Well, first off everyone else has commonly confused this term with the infamous "Donkey Punch." With that said, the Camel Punch is a two-part sexual act based on the famous scene from Conan the Barbarian. During the act of intercourse, the woman, either in an act of rage or ecstasy, spits on the face of the man. At which time, the man, irritated, pulls out and punches the woman in the camel toe. With luck, a good queef is exhibited, and sex continues on its merry way.

"Wow, last night I had a crazy night of sex with Sheri. She spat in my face so I just hadda lay into her with a good old Camel Punch.#

by ConanTheBarbarian November 3, 2007

32👍 21👎

Camel Punch

A sexual act, performed during anal sex, where just before climax the male punches the female in the back of the head. This increases the stimulation for both parties. This is a synonym used predominantly in Wiltshire for the term 'donkey punch'

"From the look of that lump on the back of her head, I'd say she was camel punched."

by Sir Christoph October 17, 2006

45👍 38👎

camel punch

when a girl is getting it up the ass and the guy giving it to her punches her in the back of the head so that her nerves tighten up squeezing on his penis.

"My boyfriend punched me in the back of the head. It hurt really bad and he came everywhere.""haha you got camel punched!"

by EmRams October 18, 2006

18👍 30👎

Camel Punch

Similar to a donkey punch but with a slight modification. While having anal sex spit on your fist or above her ass then punch her there to tighten up the muscles.

I used the camel punch on your sister to make anal sex easier for her.

by C0ookiee December 30, 2022

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Camel Toe Punch

This is basically the act of forming your index and middle finger in a hook like motion resembleing a camel toe. Then you forcefully drive your knuckles into a un-willing victom.. pinch your fingers together and twist the skin.

Amanda- "you better watch yourself"
John- "or what?"
Amanda- "'l'll Camel Toe Punch the shit out of you"

by amandasue0186 May 30, 2010

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