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The Greatest Showman

A 2017 Musical Film loosely based on the events of the life of performer, businessman and politician P.T. Barnum. The film stars Hugh Jackman as Phineas Taylor Barnum, Michelle Williams as Charity Hallett-Barnum, Zac Efron as Phillip Carlyle(a fictional character loosely based on Barnum's real life business partner Hachaliah Bailey), Zendaya Coleman- credited as Zendaya- as Anne Wheeler(A fictional character) and Rebecca Ferguson as Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale.

Grayss: Deckstur, come and see "The Greatest Showman" with me.
Deckstur: But, I want to stay in bed for ten hours straight and get bed sores.
Grayss: It looks really good.

And it was really good. From that day forward, Deckstur Mousebarg never once argued with Grayss again and never made plans to develop bed sores.

by PositivelyPisces January 16, 2018