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The Juliana Theory

A great band that recently ended in 2006 mainly due to bad record labels and financial problems.

Russ: The Juliana Theory broke up a few months ago.

Ethan: That really sucks, they were so good.

by ethan 13 14 9 August 13, 2006

30👍 9👎

The Juliana Theory

a GREAT band. there music is fuckin awesome and everyone should check them out.

Hey Mark lets go see the Juliana Theory tonight in concert

Hell yeah! Ill be there

by Christine October 3, 2003

33👍 16👎

The Juliana Theory

AWESOME band... emo, sorta christian, check them out @ julianatheory.com

hey have you listened to "emotion is dead"?

oh the juliana theory's second cd? i love it!

by lindsey November 23, 2003

18👍 11👎