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The Trilogy

A group, consisting of three DOWN people, located in Selah, WA. Made up of one girl and two guys, who break the law on a regular basis and are ALWAYS together.

Is the Trilogy having a meeting today?

by Tinaaaaaaaaaa March 8, 2011

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The best album known to mankind, created by The Weeknd. A true piece of art.

Me: β€œhey dude, have you listened to the Trilogy album yet?”
Person: β€œNo, I don’t really like The Weeknd.”
Me: β€œI don't really like your voice but I still hang around you.”
Person: β€œ.....”
(This was an actual conversation I had)

by beauty behind madness February 22, 2018

38πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A series of three, many times being relevant to movies, books, plays, etc.

Hey, yo, Werty man, wanna' go watch the star wars trilogy? They've got two Trilogies, actually.

*Gasp* Two trilogies? That's like a seisology!

by ChioBam March 10, 2009

70πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Also Known as "Brown Star Wars".

A Turd of such epic proportions it has to be released in three installments. The first can stand on its own as a complete adventure. The second links to the first, But has a dark inconclusive feel generating an air of foreboding and leaving itself wise open for an unknown ending. the final chapter has drama, excitement and moment where you think it is all lost, A grand battle is waged where good overcomes evil and peace is restored in your gut.

I just dropped a Trilogy

by Daviepump March 22, 2010

25πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


When you fart three times in succession. Preferably smelly.

Dude! I just made a trilogy!

by Werts January 15, 2009

20πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Originally a group of three related novels, plays, films, operas, or albums.However, has now evolved in meaning a creation of three ideas where the concluding piece is separated into two unnecessary parts in order to gain greater revenue.

Average teen: Are you going to go see The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 1?

Knowledgeable teen: No sir I do not plan on being robbed by such a meaningless addition in a film trilogy.

by PeaceKeeper March 4, 2015

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


To smoke, drink, and hang out/chill with friends/chicks all at the same time.

Friend 1: So we doin' the trilogy tonight dawg?
Friend 2: Oh yeahh man, I'll call up Chim Chim and we'll have ourselves a little pachanga!

by BigdaddyBlacksacks August 15, 2010

4πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž