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The Zoo

A large apartment complex located in Chico, CA with a reputation for outrageous parties and debauchery by it's tenants who are primarily college students. The property was once a vacant lot known as Hahn Field where the circus used to set up each year hence "The Zoo" reference. The nickname lives on with the Zoo like behavior of the college kid tenants.

Dude! There's a full on riot going on at the zoo right now!

by altoby5 January 4, 2010

145๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Zoo

Being "high" due to the inhalation of the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. Used when in the presence of people who look down upon smoking.

Steve: Hey you wanna go to the zoo?
Bill: Sure lets smoke some weed.

Steve: You at the zoo yet?
Bill: No, I'm still in line, hasn't taken effect yet

Steve: I think we've been going to the zoo too much lately
Bill: Yeah i can't remember the last week.

by TheZoologist October 9, 2011

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The Zoo

Nickname for the United States Air Force Academy. Every day people come and watch cadets like they are animals in a zoo. Also, the cadets might as well be in cages with as much freedom as they get.

Cadet #1: Hey, you ready to go back to the Academy?

Cadet #2: No way dude, we still have 2 hours till ACQ, there's no way I'm going back to the zoo early.

by Listerine Dave October 14, 2006

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The Zoo

A single by the Scorpions from 1980. It's a great workout song.

Let's eat a lot, let's drink a lot
make all your dreams come true
a hundred eyes, of mercify
a street we call The Zoo

by Steagles June 6, 2006

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The Zoo

A place where many broads are wheeled

Bennet and Zach visit The Zoo often to get their daily fix.

by 10percent June 11, 2010

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zoo zoo

Prison term for candy bar

Give me a zoo zoo, I'll pay you back two of em.

by Tracy Davis May 3, 2006

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zoo zoo

a machine pistol usually refers to a mac11 or uzi.

we need to go pick up a couple zoo zoos for the hit tonight.

by elephant lover May 14, 2008

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