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the way she goes

A phrase used in the aftermath of a catastrophe in order to attribute the event's occurrence to some external, uncontrollable factor.

Ray, after gambling away the boys' drink money: "Lost all the liquor money, boys."

Julian: "What?"

Ray: "That's the way she goes."

Bubbles: "That's the way she goes?"

Ray: "That's right - that's the way she goes. That's what I said - "

Bubbles: "So you lost all our drink money is what 'she goes' - she's gone."

Ray: "That's right - that's the way she goes. Sometimes she goes, sometimes it doesn't. She didn't go. That's the way she goes."

Bubbles, being interviewed moments later: "It was gonna be the best night ever, now it's the worst night ever. Fuckin' 'way she goes', he said, fuckin' way she goes..."

-Trailer Park Boys

by Chip_Whitley July 5, 2009

519👍 14👎

It's the way she goes

1. A term/phrase used when laying down the law without wanting to explain or having a need to explain.

Typically used when someone asks "why" or extent of to a responsibility they don't want to fulfill.

for best results raise the voice a bit, say "Its the way" *pause* then add "SHE GOES!".

It's the way she goes.

Boyfriend to Girlfriend: Can you please stop talking to me about your feelings while I am watching the Hockey game.

Girlfriend: Well I just think its important that we talk about this now, do you not care that I am upset....

Boyfriend: IT'S THE WAY.....SHE GOES!!

Also works great on kids.

by theGORF May 23, 2008

14👍 55👎

fuckin way she goes

A good quote from Trailer Park Boys tv show. When something doesn't exactly go the way you wanted and leaves you disappointed.

Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't. Fuckin way she goes boys, fuckin way she goes...

by Pavelski8 May 3, 2008

288👍 21👎