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Theoretical Extraphysics

Theoretical Extraphysics is a branch of extraphysics that employs mathematical models and abstractions of extraphysical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict extranatural phenomena. This is in contrast to experimental extraphysics, which uses experimental tools to probe these phenomena.

"Theoretical Extraphysics shows that extraphysics is not about mystical fun and similars, extraphysics is about tons of mathematics and logics for find about extraphysical phenomena and even about extraphysical existence and life."

"Theoretical Extraphysics and Experimental Extraphysics shows extraphysics is just another area of physics, an area that slowly will be accepted inside the physical research and studies, and it is gonna be amazing, because the search for extraphysical existence and life will start and it will be amazing."

by Full Monteirism January 6, 2021