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There Can be Only One

The tagline from the film Highlander. It states that only one Immortal can claim The Prize, by being the last one to recieve a Quickening.

Connor McLeod: Kurgan, we meet again.

The Kurgan: There can be only one!

by A. Fol April 10, 2010

32👍 6👎

"there can only be one"

Commonly misquoted reference to the Highlander movies and TV series. The actual line is "There can BE ONLY one."

Wrong: "There can ONLY BE one" Highlander?
Right: "There can BE ONLY one" Highlander!

by Shady Logic February 15, 2009

169👍 24👎

"there can only be one"

Reference to the Highlander movie and telvision series, where a race of Immortals try to behead each other in single combat for a mystical "prize". Used as a battlecry.

red_mc to red_mc1: I was playing as a red master chief first, "there can only be one" .

by chelydra June 28, 2007

74👍 90👎

"there can only be one"

A commonplace quote from character Duncan McCloud in the TV series The Highlander which preceded the decapitation of his adversary by use of a sword.

McCloud: "there can only be one"
Nemesis: "No"

McCloud proceeds with a seemingly perfunctory decapitation

by Daniel McCloud January 30, 2007

37👍 47👎