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There it is

English phrase, the literal meaning of which is obvious.

In American English, the phrase is commonly associated with American servicemen in Vietnam, and to a lesser extent, with American veterans of the Vietnam War.

The particular usage of American servicemen varied wildly. While the phrase could be used literally, it was often used in a figurative, and decidedly fatalistic, sense. The meaning was usually something along the lines of, "I cannot put into words what I mean, but this situation/scene/event/dead body/etc contains all the truth necessary to understand precisely what I mean, if you can only see it through the right eyes. I don't know how to express that truth or I do know the right words but it would be too painful for me to actually express them."

The phrase was the most common example of "grunt lingo" and was repeated ad nauseum.

There it is, they'd say, over and over, as if the repetition itself were an act of poise, a balance between crazy and almost crazy, knowing without going. There it is, which meant be cool, let it ride, because oh yeah, man, you can't change what can't be changed, there it is, there it absolutely and positively and fucking well is.

by The_Egoist March 19, 2011

68👍 17👎

There it is

The term that many use when they want to describe something happening/ when they want to show where something is.

There it is:
-"Hey man wanna play fortnite."
-"Sure lets hop on"
-10 minutes later...
-Spamming the smg "there it isssss".

by yankeesdude April 28, 2023