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Tiffany Haddish

1. Also known as "Haddish".

2. Someone who is a "tool" or susceptible to being used; naive or both naive and talks like you know it all.

3. Someone who is a drama king or queen; someone who thinks everyone should accommodate them since they are rich and famous, similar to the legacy term "Karen".

Friend 1: OMG, Walmart has a great sale on bacon! Let's hurry up and go get some before it's sold out!

Friend 2: Don't be Haddish! Walmart always has bacon at that price. But it's still a great idea to go grab some. I love me some bacon!

Man, do you even know anything about accounting? If you pull a Haddish, the interviewer is gonna smell your lying ass a mile away!

Yo man, did you hear? Homeboy just found out his girl cheated on him. Man, dunno how he never saw that comin...he musta been like Tiffany Haddish.

Friend1: Dude, you see that bitch and how she treated that waitress? Who she think she is, a Karen?

Friend2: Bruh, wha? A Karen? Man, that's so 2021. Dontcha know, we all call it Haddish now. And yea, I saw that Haddish think she's a high and mighty bitch and everybody should be kissin her feet. Fuck that!

by solid.as.a.ROCK April 1, 2022

Tiffany Haddish Syndrome

A condition causing an expat to all of a sudden discover their roots and get active in the wrong side of politics. When an Expat tries to pass himself as expert of the natives.

Oh, she suffers from Tiffany Haddish Syndrome, she thinks she knows but she's a clown.

by Yonas a Michael June 3, 2021

Tiffany Haddish

A woman who is fine as hell. She has an amazing personality and will always be there when you need it. Her smile is so beautiful and she is so authentic! She also has that side of freak in her too😜.

Bill: Have you seen Girls Trip?
James: Yes, That character Dina is so sexy. What’s her name?
Bill: That’s Tiffany Haddish!

by Garrettheman November 23, 2021