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Tijuana Crime Scene

Its when you are fucking some one up the ass and then they shit all over you and the bed

I feel sorry for who ever that hotel housekeeper is its a Tijuana crime scene in there

by outlaw May 31, 2004

90👍 23👎

Tijuana crime scene

n. See DIRTY SANCHEZ. After the dirty sanchez occurs, the suspect proceeds to trash the victim's home. totally.

I gave the mexican bitch a Tijuana crime scene. She was crying.

by Troy McGrath June 16, 2003

21👍 38👎

Tijuana crime scene

This occurs when guy that is titty fucking a girl shits on her chest just before he cums... he continues to trust back and forth getting the cum and shit all over.... ie a big mess. There can be numerous variations to this

When I was done with Jane she looked like a Tijuana crime scene. Then she mademe dinner. What a dumb bitch!

by Jed June 14, 2003

13👍 25👎

tijuana crime scene

Its a band as well... an emo band.

Did you hear the new Tijuana Crime Scene album?

by Jose January 2, 2005

12👍 35👎