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time will tell

Under a certain amount of time everything will go back to normal or the individual will be recovered from the heart break or issue.

Mom : Time will tell about the situation.

by wonderwondermonkey August 24, 2014

28👍 4👎

time will tell

a really good band that i got a cd sampler of from wareod in asbury park warped....there really good

get there Cd

by grave August 16, 2003

6👍 17👎

Only time will tell

A phrase referencing the fact that future events are unknown and that the outcome of a desired situation cannot be ascertained at the time until said future events unfold.

Jim: I went on a date with Becky last night. I think it went pretty well. I wonder if she's the one?
Greg: Who knows man. Only time will tell.

by NumberOneBucsFan February 11, 2011

99👍 17👎

Time will tell if time can tell time

Expression used when engaged in a futile activity

Guy 1: Hey, how's your progress with her sister going?
Guy 2 : Time will tell if time can tell time

by EnVSage February 10, 2015

you dont have time tell me twice

When you work with someone and they are staying late and you want them to go. But they still think there's too much to do but they have things to do elsewhere. This is what you say to them on the way of the door.

Them " there's a bunch more to do but I have to go. Can you finish up and do this... and this....?"

You " you dont have time tell me twice "

by Whiteswordgift December 9, 2022