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tom felton

Tom Felton is super sexy and plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movie series.

example: Did you see Tom felton being fine at the premiere last night?

by MakeuLala38 November 9, 2005

1472πŸ‘ 338πŸ‘Ž

tom felton

tom felton is the most sexiest man alive

sexiest man alive : tom felton

by ialwaysspeakthetrutg February 8, 2021

35πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

tom felton

tom felton is a sexy beast who played draco malfoy in harry potter. did i mention he’s sexy? oh btw i wanna marry him lol <3

β€œoh did you watch a babysitters guide to monster hunting? who was your favourite in that?”

β€œmy favourite had to be tom felton. he played very good!”

by lolloplollslssk October 25, 2020

29πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

tom felton

the SEXIEST, HOTTEST,MOST AMAZING GUY ON EARTH. oh yea and di i mention he plays the famous draco malfoy in the harry potter series?

oh and he sings to in the sexiest accent you have ever heard check him out on Feltbeats!

friend- wow we have to go see harry potter again so we can stare at tom feltons sexy face

me-mmm oh yeah hes sooo HOT im gonna marry him someday ;)

by harrypotter413 July 27, 2011

122πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

tom felton

a person who has sexual relations with there sister and sunflowers them (the act of putting ur arm up to your elbow in fanny and opening ur hand)

tom: i did a tom felton last night

tilly:i know why did u do it too me

by tom felton779837 April 8, 2022

Tom Felton

The actor who plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies. Smokin hot. Can sing with his sexy accent.

Tom Felton has Feltbeats on Youtube where you can check out his songs.

by DeathoftheEndless March 28, 2009

846πŸ‘ 232πŸ‘Ž

Tom Felton

Plays Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter
Probably the shexxiest man ALIVE
And when he dies
He shallt be the shexxiest man who is DEAD
Did I say he can SING?
Look up Feltbeats somewhere
He's incredible


by Clairolina February 4, 2010

555πŸ‘ 167πŸ‘Ž