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top speed

The maximum possible speed something can attain.

The top speed of that car is 240 mph.

by 5'11"Racer September 20, 2006

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Choofing at top speed in the ass

A phrase most commonly used to describe something that is happening quickly.

β€œYo Damo! Watch out that car’s choofing at top speed in the ass!”

by Codizzle23 April 29, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

top speed

1. The fastest speed a vehicle (or organism) can travel at.
2. Used to express good wishes, especially toward those undergoing travel; synonymous with "Godspeed".
3. (u) Used to describe the best possible outcome of a situation; synonymous with "top notch".

(u) Uncommonly used

1) "What's the top speed of a cheetah?" - "65 – 75 mph"
2) "I'm being deployed soon." - "Top speed to you, mate"
3) "How's that report coming?" - "Working on it; top speed."

by a dude, probably November 21, 2019