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Trail blazers

An NBA team located in Portland, Oregon, commonly referred to as the "Blazers." The franchise holds the longest consecutive playoff streak in history. The team is named the Trailblazers because of Lewis and Clark who passed through Oregon while exploring the West.

Dude 1: The Trail blazers are the best team in the NBA, Kevin Pritchard is a genius.
Non-Dude 2: Dude, the teams from LA are better.
Dude 1: LA sucks, you suck, your gene pool sucks.

by Brentford April 14, 2009

138👍 40👎

trail blazer

A fart (usually the thick, persistent kind) that leaves a trail of stench behind you as you try to flee the scene

That trail blazer you let off cleared out the whole isle of star wars queers in the toy isle at Walmart!

by PilotMike April 3, 2005

37👍 40👎

trail blazer

A prostitute. A whore who works the ho stroll or the trail.

Look at that trail blazer getting in the car with her pimp,she looks like a skeezer

by nunnie March 22, 2008

10👍 33👎

Tallahassee Trail Blazer

When you have diarrhea real bad, then you take a huge shit, but don't wipe. After that you titty fuck your girl leaving a skidmark down her stomach.

After I had a bad case of the taco shits, I fucked those big ol titties, tallahassee trail blazer style.

by Mike, Glen, Michael August 10, 2006

36👍 16👎

Trail Blazer

While mostly known as the car, the Trail Blazer is when a hairy whore leaves a gary the snail trail of penguin seamin off her pussy after rubbing it off on the carpet giving her third degree burns and a red puss.

That girl is a fucking trail blazer. You should have seen my apartment last night, bro.

by gluckgluckcumjug March 30, 2023

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