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trick ass mark

Someone who scuffs your sneakers and does not appologize.

some trick ass mark dun stepped on my sneakers and poured Morton salt all o'r dem

by Clayton October 18, 2004

491👍 186👎

trick ass mark

1)some crazy nigg named mark whos a crack swindelin, shoe scuffin, man with ganasyphalis
2)when yo cars pimped out and some man drags a key down that shit, scuffs it up, so yo fly ride aint, ho double t no mo'

1)man that trick ass mark got all them STD's from that nasty ho'
2)that trippin crack swindelin fool put a trick ass mark on my ride

by ArticWolf November 9, 2004

53👍 173👎

trick ass mark bustor

a ho in da street wit no money gettin a hand job in tha ass.

Yo that bitch gettin a trick ass mark bustor

by p-town September 19, 2005

15👍 40👎

punk ass trick ass mark

people who're dumbasses!!! And annoying ass hell, and have a shitty attitude
a term of endearment to your friends

Shut the hell up, ya punk ass trick ass mark!

Sup man! Ya punk ass trick ass mark! (HAHAHA)

by WhateverzClever July 24, 2009

19👍 16👎