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Troll 2

Widely considered one of the worst movies of all time. It has recently gained a cult following due to its rediculous dialogue, terrible directing, awfull acting, and ludicrous plot. It involves a family that vacations in the small town of Nilbog(it's goblin spelled backwards!!). They soon discover that the townspeople are really vegitarian goblins who try to trick people into eating food that turns them to vegitables. It is hillarious in the fact that it tries to be scary and serious only to fail miserably. Best enjoyed with friends.

Guy 1: Hey, did you see Troll 2 yet?

Guy 2: yes it was so terrible, I couldn't stop laughing for a whole week.

by Troll 2 fanatic January 25, 2009

279👍 26👎

Trolls 2

A horrible movie summed up by three words "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD"

quote from trolls 2

"they're eat her, and then there going to eat me, OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

by Pinky Sly October 15, 2009

20👍 3👎