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Troy Bolton

A Sexually act where as you and your partner are preparing for oral sex just as they open there mouth you yell "GET'CHA, GET'CHA, GET'CHA HEAD IN THE GAME" and push there face towards your genitalia

Man 1: Hey I heard you got head from that girl last night
Man 2: Yeah man i pull a Troy Bolton on her

by TheRedHood November 30, 2017

troy boltoning

When someone who loves high school musical but is over the legal consent age ask for your advice on a haircut and you feel obligated to reply with a remark that is kind but unrealistic and wrong. Then the person who takes in your opinion, now uses it as advice and even more as biblical fact. This opinion roots into their head and makes decisions for them and pratically controls their life. also the user has to be over 5'1, white male, brown-ish hair and long and straight bowl cut.

that is such a troy boltoning moment smh oml omg

by TheRealzTomothy March 28, 2022