Source Code

Try me

Another way of saying "Come at me bitch."

"Ya? Fucking try me." She said to Jessie

by I wanna be ur wifey... for lif December 18, 2016

196πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Try me

Try me fucker

Try me. I am stronger than ever and stronger than you ever will be
If you fuck around with me ever again watch out because I have a fucking power in me that can Destroy you. So I would rather not mess with me. Or you may find yourself waking up to have a testicle and 3 times less the fucking trash talk you have now. Touch my friends and family and I will rip you to shreads you fucking demented leprechaun

by PurpleStarr January 29, 2019

60πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

trying me

To try someone is to test their patience, intelligence, and/or worth. In other words, you're testing their limitations in a way that's deemed offensive and/or antagonizing.

β€œThat bitch tried me when she touched my stuff.”
β€œHoes stay be trying me.”
β€œGirl, stop trying me.”
β€œThese kids be trying me when they talk mess.”

by muggmuffin October 17, 2019

49πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

try me

Has the same meaning as "give me a reason to show what I can do"

Used a thousand times in LOST Tv series.

-- You are too weak to confront us.
-- Try me.

by Notgurev October 8, 2016

95πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

try me

another way of saying "give me a chance" or "let me know what's on your mind".

Holly: "hi hun, you seem upset, what's wrong?"

Rob: "ah, nothin' really... you probably wouldn't wanna hear about anyway."

Holly: "oh yeah? try me, babe...."

by Holly July 9, 2005

353πŸ‘ 170πŸ‘Ž

Try Me

When you want to fight, but want a reason to fight also

ME: Try me again and ima swing!
Alex: Dont you wish this black boy would leave(tried me)

by Ghetto Professor March 12, 2017

41πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

try me

someone is just trying to fucking try you, it pretty means to fight somebody.

try me bitch boi

by o idk my pseudonym June 2, 2020

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž