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Tulsi Gabbard

A person who changes positions on a dime

β€œMy friend Jenna changed her positions more often than a weather vane. She’s a total Tulsi Gabbard”

by TK2000 October 29, 2023

22πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Tulsi Gabbard

Hot Milf wanted to become the president of the United States but instead became Putin's spy after Trump had rejected her. She is a democrat for conservatives who does monkey balancing in the name of protecting democracy.

She is such a Tulsi Gabbard when it comes to making friends

by unrealisticguy March 29, 2022

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Tulsi Gabbard

Russian asset. Stooge for Putin, funded by Russian kleptocrats to try to divide the Democratic Party and weaken the USA.

Oh look, it's Tulsi Gabbard, the Trumptard's favorite Democrat.

by WernerVonX October 18, 2019

281πŸ‘ 221πŸ‘Ž

Tulsi Gabbard

Peterson-sphere shill. No longer trustworthy.

Hym "Tulsi Gabbard has gone over to the... I want to call it 'Dark side' but I want to be the 'Dark side'... And calling them the Light side will AFFIRM THE DELUSION THAT THEY ARE 'GOOD'... Oh! Incest! 'The incest side' because what determines whether or not you're good is an incest cult. She's gone over to the incest side... Not to be trusted. Literally anyone that Jordan Peterson is actually willing to talk to with lie and deny reality so they can prevent the people they want to control from getting what they want."

by Hym Iam May 15, 2024